Journal of Asian Pacific Journal (JAPC) Special Issue Call for Papers
“Twenty-Five Years Later: Rethinking the Impact of Hallryu (Korean Wave) as a Global Popular Cultural Force.”
Submissions are encouraged from scholars that use different theoretical and empirical approaches to the special issue of Journal of Asian Pacific Communication on the impact of Korean Wave (Hallyu) as a global popular cultural force. As the process of globalization has eroded traditional forms of national culture and identity, the interfusion between local cultures and global culture continues to increase in various corner of the world. A prominent example of the globalization of culture can be found in the Korean Wave (pronounced Hallyu in Korean). The Korean Wave, which began about 25 years ago with the exporting of Korean TV dramas across East and Southeast Asia, now refers to the popularity of South Korean popular culture including drama, movies and popular music in other Asian countries. As the seventh-largest film market in the world, Korea is now a brisk exporter of music, TV programming, and films to the Asia region and other continents such as Africa, North and South Americas, and Europe. Now this Korean version of cultural imperialism has impact on Korean language, interracial marriage, imported labors to cultural commodities such as foods, cosmetics, fashion, education, and tourism.
The special issue will examine the past, present, and future impacts of Korean Wave as a global popular cultural force in terms of political, cultural, historical, sociological, and economical aspects with a focus on the key internal and external moments, constructs, elements, fads, factors shaping current and future developments of Korean Wave. The articles will examine communication and discourse in media, social media, political and cultural arenas, and space it occupies in a certain nation or region. They will also focus on how use of language (and translation) and non-verbal symbolic systems in any on communicative contexts, including face-to-face interactions/conversations/dialog within a KW context, and popular cultural texts such as films, music, animation, television drama, etc.
For this special issue of Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, we invite authors to submit proposals or abstract for studies that engage both empirical and critical perspectives for Korean Wave (Hallyu) research. We are particularly interested in studies that apply existing empirical and critical methodologies towards analyzing and identifying the past, present, and future perspectives and phenomena. We encourage proposals from a variety of scholarly areas (e.g., intercultural, political, interpersonal, media, organizational, cultural and global studies, economics, performance studies, music, film studies, linguistics, journalism, ads and PR, and social media, etc.). Finally, the special issue welcomes any theoretical essays that deal with Korean Wave in the context of (post) cultural imperialism and post-colonialism.
Important Deadlines:
Abstract Deadline: April 30th (Sunday), 2023
For the proposal or abstract, authors should submit a shorter (500 words) OR an extended abstract (1,000-1,500 words) no later than May 31st, 2023 (not including references).
After final decisions on the abstracts are made (no later than June 15th, 2023), authors invited to proceed with full papers will need to submit final manuscripts by October 15th, 2023. We anticipate the special issue to be published in Volume 34-1 of Journal of Asian Pacific Communication in the second half of 2024 (34:2)
Submission Process:
Please note that final manuscripts will undergo anonymous peer review, and hence acceptance of an abstract is not a guarantee of publication. Page limits and other parameters for the complete paper will be allocated at time of invitation but will generally fall in line with the parameters of the Communication Studies journal.
Submissions must be submitted to the Communication Studies online portal (, indicating it is for the special issue on “Expanding Upon Critical Methodologies and Perspectives in Communication Studies.” Select “special issue title” when submitting your paper to ScholarOne.
Submissions and Inquiries:
For questions, please contact Dr. Eungjun (EJ) Min ( Proposal submissions (i.e., extended abstracts) should be submitted to Dr. Min by April 30th, 2023.
Final Draft Submissions:
All manuscripts will be reviewed as a cohort for this special issue. Please follow the manuscript instructions at All submissions will go through a regular double-blind review process and follow the standard norms and processes. The deadline for submissions is October 15, 2023. Submissions should be emailed to Dr. Eungjun (EJ) Min,
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication
Guidelines for contributors
- All manuscripts and other contributions should be addressed to the editors, at the address given below. All submission letters must specify that the manuscript submitted is not under consideration elsewhere and has not been published elsewhere in this or a substantially similar form.
- No page other than the cover pages should give the author’s name. The review of the manuscript will be anonymous.
- Submit three double-spaced typewritten copies in conformance to APA style, along with a electronic disc version, either in PC or Mac format. Include all author names, titles, full mailing addresses, e-mail address and telephone numbers.
- An abstract should be included. This should not exceed 200 words.
- For the delivery of the final version, the article should be presented on disk and saved on PC compatible Mac disk. Material should be saved in ASCII mode or ‘non-document’ mode, or ‘text-only’ mode. It should also be saved as a separate file in the author’s normal word-processor format together with a note indicating the names of the word processor used. The format of the disk (PC or Mac) should also be labeled on the disk. An identical hard copy of the manuscript should be included.
- References in the text should follow APA style. Cite references by last name and year of publication. Three or more authors, cite complete names at first mention. Then use et al. If there are more than 7 authors use et al. first time. If there is more than one citation in the text, list publications chronologically.
- Reference style– follow APA style, e.g., Single author works, list chronologically; co-authored works, list alphabetically and then chronologically; co-authored works (three or more authors) list chronologically. List all authors, last name first, followed by initials. Do not use et al. Spell out all journal names.
Sample references:
Gudykunst, W.B., Matsumoto, Y., Ting-Toomey, S., Nishida, T., Kim, K., & Heyman, T. (1996). The influence on cultural individualism-collectivism, self construals, and individual values on communication styles across cultures. Human Communication Research, 22, 510-543.
Kachru, Y. (1995). Cultural meaning and rhetorical styles: Toward a framework for contrastive rhetoric. In G. Cook & B. Seidlhofer (Eds.), Principle and practice in applied linguistics (pp.171-184). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. - Essential notes (Footnotes/Endnotes) should be numbered in the text and grouped together at the end of the article. Diagrams and figures should not be embedded within the text. Hard copy of all figures must be provided along with any electronic files, for grey scales TIFF format is preferred, for line drawings EPS format.
- The lead author of an article will receive page proofs for correction. Corrected page proofs must be returned to the editor by the date specified in the letter accompanying the proofs. This stage must not be used as an opportunity to revise the paper. Because alterations are extremely costly, extensive changes will be charged to the author an may result in the article being placed in a later issue.
- A typescript not presented in accordance with these guidelines will not undergo the reviewing process. It will be returned to the author for appropriate modification.
- Authors of articles will receive a complimentary copy of the issue in which their paper appears.