About KACA
The Korean American Communication Association is an organization dedicated to serving the academic and social needs of Korean communication scholars and students in North America.
KACA Factsheet
The Korean American Communication Association 501(c)(3) has been facilitating academic and social exchange among Korean communication scholars and students in North America and beyond. We welcome all researchers who share an interest in exchanging information and conduct research in communication focusing on topics related to Korea, Korean-Americans, and the Asian culture.
KACA Mission:
- To encourage and facilitate exchange of professional knowledge in various fields of communication.
- To encourage and facilitate cooperation among members in exchanging professional information and conducting research in communication, especially focusing on subjects related to Korea and Korean-Americans.
- To facilitate academic and social exchange of communication scholars between North America and Korea.
- To facilitate professional cooperation with other associations of Korean scholars or professionals in North America.
- To facilitate social exchange among members.
Quick Facts:
- Founded in 1978
- Held the first official program at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in
1982 - Held the first official program at the International Communication Association in 1985
- Held the first official program at the National Communication Association in 1996
- Became a nonprofit organization, tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) in 2014
- Approximately 550 members worldwide
Activities of the Association:
- Organizing academic conferences or seminars.
- Giving awards to best papers in each conference.
- Publishing biannual newsletter.
- Collaborating with other related associations of Korean scholars or professionals in North America.
- Supporting communication research related to Korea, Korea-U.S. relations or Korean-Americans.
- Networking with professionals in communication field.
National and International Conferences:
As an affiliated association of the following three major academic associations in the field of communication, KACA has been holding panel sessions and research paper sessions at annual conferences of these communication associations for more than 20 years.
- International Communication Association
- National Communication Association
- Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Reports for each conference can be accessed via the KACA’s website.
KACA Officers (2023-‐2025)
- President: Yeonsoo Kim, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin (yeonsoo.kim@utexas.edu)
- VP (ICA): Mincheol Shin, Ph.D., Tilburg University, The Netherlands (m.shin@tilburguniversity.edu)
- VP (AEJMC): Jinhyon Kwon Hammick, Ph.D., Flagler College (Jhammick@flagler.edu)
- VP (NCA): David Oh, Ph.D., Ramapo College of New Jersey (doh@ramapo.edu)
- Secretary: Jihoon (Jay) Kim, Ph.D. University of Alabama (jkim227@ua.edu)
- Treasurer: Eunyoung Kim., Ph.D., Auburn University at Montgomery (ekim2@aum.edu)
- Membership Director: Won-Ki Moon., Ph.D. University of Florida (wonkimoon@ufl.edu)
- Webmaster: Minji Kim, Ph.D., Flagler College (MJKim@flagler.edu)
- Social Media Director: Rachel Son, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Florida (rachelson@ufl.edu)
- Newsletter Editor-in-chief: Hanyoung Kim, Ph.D., University of Kentucky (hanyoung.kim@uky.edu)
- Student Reps:
1) Lyounghee Kim, Ph.D. Student, University of New Mexico (lkim@unm.edu)
2) Nalae Hong, M.S., Syracuse University (nhong01@syr.edu)
3) Kibum Youn, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (kyoun1@vols.utk.edu) - Editor-in Chief (KJC): Do-Kyun David Kim, Ph.D. University of Louisiana – Lafayette (do.kim@louisiana.edu)
Staying in Touch
- Newsletter: http://www.thekaca.org/news/newsletters/
- Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/groups/thekaca/
- Website: http://thekaca.org